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Read Molly’s blog for strategies and resources designed to strengthen your mindset and change your behaviors.

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GamechangHER 2024: Event Recap

What would your life look like if you were able to show up as your best self? That’s the question we delved into at the GamechangHER women’s event, a transformative online gathering celebrating International Women’s Day. Thousands of women attended, and so many women have reached out to share the impact it had on their lives.

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10 Takeaways From My Top Podcast Episodes Of 2023

What an extraordinary year 2023 turned out to be for the “Game Changers with Molly Fletcher” podcast! I was privileged to host so many exceptional guests and learned so much through these conversations. I’ve been reflecting on what I want to bring with me into 2024, and I decided to share my favorite takeaways from […]

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The Mindset Shift For The Working Mom

Picture this, I’m in the prime of my career as a sports agent, just back from maternity leave after our first daughter was born, and within a few months of returning to the office, I find out I am pregnant. Twelve weeks pregnant….with twins. Aha, that’s why I couldn’t nurse our firstborn anymore. I was […]

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Discipline vs. The Talent Trap

In the world of sports, we often come across athletes who are hailed as prodigies, gifted with extraordinary talent from a young age. They are showered with praise and admiration, being referred to as “The Natural” or “The Next Big Thing.” While encouragement and recognition are powerful motivators, solely relying on talent can lead to […]

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How to Change Your Mindset Around Change

Change is constant.  Today change comes at us as consistently as the cab lines in Vegas and is as unpredictable as your cards at the blackjack table.  Most people view change like they have just been dealt the two of spades.  As if change is in charge and tells us how to deal.  To be […]

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Want More Female Leaders? It Starts on the Field.

March is Women’s History Month and yesterday was International Women’s Day, but we are here to lift women up EVERY day. This time of year many companies and people are considering ways to support women and develop the next generation of female leaders. What’s one way to do that? By supporting girls’ sports. A study […]

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3 Ways to Build Better Business Relationships

Business relationships can often be improved. Especially in leadership and sales, the difference between good and great can be better business relationships. Nurturing these important connections doesn’t just happen. You have to be intentional and commit to the long haul. Here are three time-tested ways that work. These are concrete steps that help you observe […]

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Are You Asking the Right Questions?

“I have no special talent.  I am just passionately curious.” Albert Einstein In a previous blog, I wrote about the importance of asking questions and staying curious. But it’s not just about asking any question; asking the right question is what’s most important. It’s quality, not quantity, that counts. Here are some ways to construct and deliver the […]

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Skip Other Goal Setting Tips and Do This One

Because of our brain wiring, the facts and figures that we remember the most are attached to stories. That’s the reason that detailed visualization is at the top of my most effective goal setting tips. If you’re not creating a story for yourself as the star performer, you need to be. It’s a fantastic habit […]

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Want Your New Year’s Resolution to Stick? Try This.

Did you know that only about 8% of people keep their New Year’s resolutions? Just because the year on the calendar changes doesn’t mean your habits will necessarily change. That is, unless you go about it differently. Traditionally a resolution is just a stake in the ground – “I’m going to stop smoking” or “I’m […]

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