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Enneagram as a Leadership Tool

As 2021 comes to a close, many of us are reflecting on the past year and exploring how we can better ourselves in the year ahead. Maybe you want to be a better leader, a better teammate, a better parent, or a better friend. Whatever it is, there’s a tool that can help you with your transformation: the Enneagram.  What is Enneagram? I […]

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Why You Shouldn’t Save Feedback for Year-End Performance Reviews

 So the end of the calendar year is quickly approaching, which means year-end performance reviews are just around the corner. Whether you’re a leader and you’re giving the review or an employee who is receiving the review, you might be feeling a bit anxious? I remember these meetings so distinctly. There were a lot […]

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Feeling Stuck? Try this Simple Mindset Shift

Are you feeling stuck? Rather than looking for solutions outside of yourself, maybe it’s time to look within. The best place to start is by auditing your thoughts and self-talk. Audit the stories you tell yourself. As human beings, we have automatic thoughts filling up our brains every day. Oftentimes, these thoughts are not serving […]

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Why We Need to Stop Multitasking

We live in a society where we think that more is better and that multitasking is the key to getting things done. However, when we multitask, we lose the ability to be present for what matters most. Multitasking Leads to Mistakes I will admit, I am a recovering multitask addict. I used to be on […]

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The Importance of 360 Awareness

 Many people want to be better negotiators. They want to be better at having difficult conversations and obtaining better outcomes. It is often difficult to know where to start or what to improve. One thing that is incredibly important to consider that will improve your negotiation skills is spending time and energy getting into […]

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How Ted Lasso Uses Curiosity to Create Connection

Does anyone deal with difficult people in their life, maybe at work, personally or in your daily routine? Dealing with difficult people can leave us feeling frustrated and angry. It’s hard not to respond to difficult people by going right back at them. Maybe it’s time to take a note out of Ted Lasso’s playbook. […]

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Who Wants to be Uncomfortable? Me!

So many people are reevaluating their lives right now, personally and professionally. That’s a great thing! Taking time to reevaluate is critical for growth, because if we aren’t self-aware we can find ourselves settling and getting too comfortable. Human beings are afraid of the unknown. We’d rather stay in the known place, even if it’s […]

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How to Prioritize What Truly Matters

Right now we are experiencing a major shift in ways of working and in the importance of work-life balance. With The Great Resignation, we’ve seen lots of conversation around employees and leaders reassessing their priorities and reevaluating where they spend their time and energy. It’s so important for leaders to help their teams identify what […]

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The Secret to Retaining Top Talent

 Workers are quitting their jobs at the highest rate in 20 years, with nearly 65% of employees looking for a new job. Morale is at an all-time low, employees are burned out. Leaders right now are all talking about what is being called The Great Resignation. Employees and future leaders are looking to leave, […]

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How to Lead Confidently by Turning Thoughts into Action

 A lack of confidence changes the way we lead, the way we walk in a room, and the way we show up for life in general. Confidence is so important because it helps you overcome fear and anxiety; builds resilience; improves your performance; and helps you advance your career and live the life you […]

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