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Your Willpower Needs A Why

“Why do you get up in the morning? Why does your organization exist? Your Why is the purpose, cause or belief that inspires you to do what you do. When you think, act and communicate starting with Why, you can inspire others.” – Simon Sinek Simon Sinek is masterful at explaining that “Your Why” is […]

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10 Things That Require Zero Talent Part 2

One of our highest ranking blogs is 10 Things That Require Zero Talent. It’s been about a year since that blog, and I’d like to add 10 more behaviors that we can control that require zero talent yet have a huge impact on our success. Curiosity – Curiosity is the key to discovering new habits, […]

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Don’t Just Be Thankful this Thanksgiving

Like many people, Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays.  The best part to me is that as a country, we all pause and take time to reflect on our lives and give thanks. We come together to help those in need.  But after reading Sheryl Sandberg’s new book Option B: Facing Adversity, Building Resilience, and Finding […]

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Is Technology Helping or Hurting You?

It’s hard to believe how much technology has changed since the first iPhone was announced more than a decade ago. It’s also hard to believe how much technology has changed us in twelve years! Most of us can’t imagine leaving the house without our smartphone, even if it’s a simple trip to the grocery store. […]

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Top 4 Reasons to Ask Questions and Stay Curious

As a sports agent, a big part of my job was recruiting new talent. One time an agent on my team came into my office, frustrated that he hadn’t been able to connect with a player he was recruiting. He was calling him, going to his games, reaching out, but he just couldn’t lock in […]

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Big Ego Survival Guide

Merriam-Webster defines ego as “the self especially as contrasted with another self or the world.” But in our world of selfies, the humblebrag and YouTube stardom (I don’t think that’s a thing, but my daughters do), the definition of ego in today’s vernacular is something more along the lines of “a person who is a […]

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The #1 Reason Sales People Lose the Deal

What’s the number one reason sales people lose the deal? They are too focused on the deal! When you’re in sales, the top priority is ABC – always be closing. If you’re up against a quota, you do what you have to do to close the deal. But that’s where the problem starts – you’re […]

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How To Turn Missteps Into Stepping Stones

Whenever I deliver a keynote, I always like to tell a story or two about a mistake that I made. Why? Because as I reflect on the pivotal moments in my life—they often happened as the result of a mistake that I made. Legendary basketball coach Dean Smith had a great saying: “What to do […]

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Please Don’t Ask Someone to Mentor You

When it comes to lining up a mentor, here’s what you need to understand. And what you need to do to achieve meaningful growth in your career. Do your homework. Get to know who they are before you ask. Find out as much as you can to see how your passion and purpose aligns with […]

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