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As 2014 draws to a close, we take a look back at our best blogs of 2014. From inspirational speeches to negotiating tips to leadership lessons, enjoy our six most popular blogs from the past year. It’s a joy to share my blog with you each week and I am grateful for all of you who follow along. If you have ideas for topics, please tweet me @MollyFletcher.

Now onto the best blogs of 2014… Enjoy!

1. My 5 Favorite Inspirational Speeches from TED

The vision behind TED is “Ideas Worth Spreading” and these five TED Talks offer fresh perspectives that invite further reflection.

2. 5 Core Values Behind Pat Summitt’s Legendary Leadership

In her autobiography, Sum It Up, legendary basketball coach Pat Summitt gives her reader a glimpse into the values upon which she built her success. These were my favorite takeaways from a coaching legend that will resonate with anyone in a leadership role.

3. Flying the Chaotic Skies: The Power of Pause

In the midst of a cross-country travel nightmare, I received an unexpected and much needed reminder on the power of the pause. Re-gain perspective by embracing the pause.

4. Women Negotiating: What Makes Michele Roberts So Good

Michele Roberts may have made waves because of her gender (she’s the first female executive director of the National Basketball Players Association), but she’s well suited for the job. Here’s what women (and all of us) can learn about negotiating from Roberts.

5. Use these Communication Exercises to Deliver a Message that “Sticks”

It’s hard to cut through the clutter. Taking a page from the Heath Brothers, learn how to deliver a message that not just gets your point across but “sticks.”

6. My 5 Favorite Personal Development Books

Get the most out of your talent and your time with these five books aimed at personal development.

Molly Fletcher helps inspire and equip game changers to dream, live and grow fearlessly. A keynote speaker and author, Molly draws on her decades of experiences working with elite athletes and coaches as a sports agent, and applies them to the business world. Sign up here to receive our monthly newsletter.

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