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How the Drive to Get Better Keeps the Best at the Top

How often do we equate success with talent? All the time. But the reality is success isn’t created by talent alone. Just like we might see immense talent squandered, we also see underdogs unexpectedly overachieve. In more than 15 years as a sports agent representing top athletes and coaches, I had a front-row seat to […]

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How to Develop Resilience Inside of Change

Right now, change is constant, and uncertainty has become part of our new normal. Naturally, change can create fear and can be scary for people to have to wake up and navigate new challenges every day. As leaders, and as individuals inside of teams, here’s a couple of thoughts on the kinds of things I […]

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Is Your Team’s Performance Problem A Mindset Problem?

The world is inside so much change right now and many leaders and organizations are looking for solutions to help their teams thrive and maximize their potential. Great leaders work to inspire their teams to perform at their highest level. And when they don’t, they might get frustrated by the lack of results. Why aren’t […]

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Reclaiming the Right to Success and Fulfillment

Which would you rather have? Success or fulfillment? Why does it seem that we are always being asked to choose and why is there always tension between these two things? When we do prioritize one, why do we find ourselves feeling guilty? The world perpetuates this false choice. Why can’t we pick both success AND […]

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How to Help Your Team Break Free from Burnout

Burnout continues to be a hot topic for leaders in organizations, leaving many leaders at a loss for a solution to boost employee morale. Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, organizations and teams have had to navigate more uncertainty than ever before. First, our teams had to navigate the early days of lockdown. We learned to work […]

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How Diversity and Inclusion Helps Teams Thrive

2020 accelerated the conversation around diversity, equity, and inclusion. It was a year where a health crisis, an economic crisis, and a racial injustice crisis all intersected and forced leaders to ask—and answer—tough questions. Diversity has always been a driver of business outcomes. Now it’s up to each of us to become change agents and […]

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How to Avoid Employee Burnout

Over the past few years, employee burnout has been on an upward trend. This phenomenon refers to employees becoming overwhelmed with work. Burnout can ultimately lead to disengagement, withdrawal, stress, or worry; all of which can perpetuate a negative workplace climate. When employees are experiencing burnout, they are more likely to take frequent absences, become […]

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5 Tips for Virtual Selling

Are you struggling to capture your customers’ attention in a virtual sales environment? Do you need to revamp your sales processes for the remote environment? You’re not alone. COVID-19 has hastened the sales transformation, and for most people, selling virtually has become a mandatory part of doing business. While you may not be able to […]

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How to Boost Remote Employee Engagement

  We are all still trying to figure out how to perform and produce during these most unusual and adverse times. The demand on workplace productivity is only increasing with remote teams stretched to capacity. How do you ensure everyone on your team is capable of performing at the same level they were before everything […]

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The Top 10 Episodes of Game Changers for 2020

In 2020, we all learned how to reimagine—how we run our businesses, how we educate our kids, how we connect with our loved ones, and how we spend our time. With change thrust upon us, we learned how to reimagine how we show up and inspire one another. One of the things I love most […]

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