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Suzy Welch Explains the 10-10-10 Rule for Making Tough Decisions

Have difficulty making tough decisions? Maybe Suzy Welch’s 10-10-10 rule could help. She explained how the 10-10-10 filter works and the inspirational (and comical) story behind it when she was a guest on my podcast. In this 60 second clip, she breaks down what 10-10-10 stands for and how it can impact your life immediately: 10 […]

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The 3 Biggest Mistakes Leaders Make

Communicator, author and pastor Andy Stanley recently joined me on Game Changers to talk about the characteristics of leaders worth following and the mistakes that even good leaders can sometimes make. In this four minute excerpt from our conversation, he discusses the three biggest mistakes leaders make: Confuse responsibility and competency Make too many decisions […]

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10 Best Practices to Close the Deal

For nearly two decades as an agent, I negotiated deals in the high-stakes, big-ego world of professional sports. After negotiating more than $500 million in contracts for my clients, I observed traits of some of the best – and worst – negotiators. I learned the common mistakes to avoid when negotiating, and what it takes to get even the […]

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4 Negotiating Tips Every Woman Should Know

InStyle magazine asked me to share a few negotiating tips for women. After almost two decades as a sports agent, I know there is a distinct difference in negotiating for others and negotiating for ourselves. Women are darn good at negotiating for others (i.e. for our kids, our employees), but it is imperative we ask […]

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5 Ways to Make Room for Inspiration

Recently I read an article in Harvard Business Review about inspiration and it piqued my interest. Part of my personal mission statement – To connect, inspire and lead with creative courage and optimism – even includes a mention of my desire to inspire. But I, like many people today, get caught up in the busyness […]

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Are You Doing What’s Important?

Discipline is doing what you want most; not necessarily what you want right now. When we set goals, whether short- or long-term, we’re clear on what we want to achieve. We have goals, we create a plan, and it’s clear. Then… life happens, the phone rings, emails roll in by the minute, clients need us, […]

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What If Today Were Your Last Day?

The yoga studio I belong to in Atlanta ends every class with a short quote or reading. The other day the teacher wrapped the class with a this: “Imagine if you were the only person who knew that today was your last day on earth. How would it change the way you behave and interact […]

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3 Ways Curiosity Enhances Relationships

Curiosity is key to learning and growth. It is also key to enhancing relationships, connection and leadership. Here are three ways to think about curiosity and connection in order to kick start growth in 2018 and beyond. Curious People Are Present It is extremely hard to be curious if you are distracted and over scheduled. […]

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10 Best Blogs of 2017

As 2017 draws to a close, let’s take a look back at our most popular blogs from the year. From common mistakes leaders make, to a Mother’s Day letter to my daughters, to how to overcome your fear of change, here’s what you were reading and sharing this year. A Letter to My Daughters — […]

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7 Surprising Traits of Elite Leaders

https://media.sparemin.com/embed-video/videos/c6/5c/75/f8/c65c75f8-4e71-40df-a79f-5780f1d323c2_100933.mp4 Twelve years ago, Sam Walker, Wall Street Journal  deputy editor, set out to answer the question: “What makes great teams great?” What started as a 900-word column for the Journal turned into a decade of research and his book, The Captain Class: The Hidden Force That Creates the World’s Greatest Teams. Sam’s answer to “What […]

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