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Author: sprague

6 Habits of Great Negotiators

“Let us never negotiate out of fear. But let us never fear to negotiate.” – John F. Kennedy If you are reading this, you probably want to get better at negotiating, or you know someone who does. You’ve got lots of company! Asking for what you want and need causes anxiety for many of us. […]

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Are you Managing Your Energy Effectively?

Time management is so important for effectively pursuing your purpose, but energy management is even more critical. Remember that time you followed a schedule crammed with tasks and activities directly related to your purpose, but the effort didn’t seem to get you much closer to your goal? That’s because when you don’t manage your energy, you fall […]

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Need to Fire a Client? Try This

When the client’s name popped up on my ringing phone, so did the dread inside me. Normally I love all my clients, but every once in a while one simply wore me out with their needs and issues. “Oh no,” I thought. This one exhausted me, and I knew I had to do something about […]

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How To Make A Side Hustle Work

If your employee has a side hustle—something they do away from work that makes money—a leader can worry. Is that team member really committed to the work and paycheck? Does that mean they have one foot out the door? The struggle is real because more people are working multiple jobs. Federal data shows a 5 […]

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You’re Not as Good a Leader as You Think You Are

One of the biggest leadership challenges is ego. Do you surround yourself with people who let you slide or hold you accountable? Everyone needs accountability, especially the gifted leaders who think they don’t. Leaders need a healthy ego. Recently I dove into the book, “Ego is the Enemy,” by Ryan Holiday and got a ton […]

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Are You Building Relationships or Doing Transactions?

In business, you’re losing ground if you are simply executing transactions and not cultivating relationships. You have to be about more than the sale, service or product. You have to be about the relationships that will determine your success. So what’s the difference between being transactional and being relational? Here are the behaviors associated with […]

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The 4 Types of People You Need In Your Life

Leading can be lonely, which is why it’s critical to surround yourself with people who make you better every day. No matter what your goals and aspirations, these four types of people will help you grow and get there. 1. The Motivator: The motivator is someone who inspires you. When adversity hits, this person will […]

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