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Tag: Change

Episode 198- 3 Tips to Help You Navigate Unexpected Change

How do we navigate change that’s unexpected? This is a question that I’ve found a lot of people are struggling with today. Change is inevitable, whether it’s in our personal lives, careers, or society at large. It’s like that surprise guest who shows up uninvited when you least expect it… and is here to stay. […]

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Episode 178- Brad Stulberg on How to Master Change

The average person experiences 36 major changes in their adult life. Change is constant. So why do we tend to view it as a threat? Brad Stulberg is here to help us shift our mindset around change. His new book Master of Change offers a path for embracing and even growing from life’s constant instability. […]

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How to Change Your Mindset Around Change

Change is constant.  Today change comes at us as consistently as the cab lines in Vegas and is as unpredictable as your cards at the blackjack table.  Most people view change like they have just been dealt the two of spades.  As if change is in charge and tells us how to deal.  To be […]

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Get Curious Inside of Change

For the past two years, life has been chaotic. As the saying goes, the only thing constant is change, but the last 730 or so days have tested our limits. Navigating the constant barrage of change can be exhausting. And here’s the thing, very few people like change. It’s scary! But instead of running from […]

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Episode 133- Katy Milkman on How to Create Change in Your Life

What’s your New Year’s resolution this year? Maybe it’s to exercise more, save money or learn a new skill. Whatever your goal, you need tools and tactics to help you identify and overcome the barriers to change. Katy Milkman is an award-winning professor at Wharton and host of the popular podcast, Choiceology. She’s devoted her […]

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