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Tag: Curiosity

Episode 206- The Curiosity Edge: How to Become a Curious Person

In my experience working with high performers, one common thread stands out: the transformative power of curiosity. In this episode, we uncover how curiosity isn’t just a behavior, but a fundamental mindset that fuels growth and resilience. From reframing curiosity as integral to our identity rather than just an action, to understanding its role in […]

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Who Wants to be Uncomfortable? Me!

So many people are reevaluating their lives right now, personally and professionally. That’s a great thing! Taking time to reevaluate is critical for growth, because if we aren’t self-aware we can find ourselves settling and getting too comfortable. Human beings are afraid of the unknown. We’d rather stay in the known place, even if it’s […]

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3 Ways Curiosity Enhances Relationships

Curiosity is key to learning and growth. It is also key to enhancing relationships, connection and leadership. Here are three ways to think about curiosity and connection in order to kick start growth in 2018 and beyond. Curious People Are Present It is extremely hard to be curious if you are distracted and over scheduled. […]

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