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Tag: Drive

Episode 134- Rebecca Minkoff on Break the Rules and Re-Write Your Life

What’s the #1 blocker to achieving your biggest goals and dreams? Fear. Rebecca Minkoff is a fashion designer and wildly successful entrepreneur. An industry leader in accessible luxury handbags and apparel, her designs are inspired by strong, confident women. In her new book, Fearless, Rebecca re-writes the rules to share her secrets for unlocking creativity, […]

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How the Drive to Get Better Keeps the Best at the Top

How often do we equate success with talent? All the time. But the reality is success isn’t created by talent alone. Just like we might see immense talent squandered, we also see underdogs unexpectedly overachieve. In more than 15 years as a sports agent representing top athletes and coaches, I had a front-row seat to […]

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