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Tag: The Great Resignation

The Great Resignation or The Great Regret?

Has The Great Resignation become The Great Regret? You’ve probably heard the staggering statistics about the number of people who have left their jobs during the pandemic. Chances are you know someone who recently switched careers—maybe that person is you! Whether the choice was made due to the impact of the pandemic, burnout, or the […]

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Why Employee Experience Should be a Top Concern for Leaders

Looking forward into 2022, many are predicting that employee experience should be a top concern for leaders. Why? Because like companies, employees have weathered two tumultuous years that have led to new priorities, and employees hold more power than ever before. As companies continue to navigate The Great Resignation, it’s important that they shift their […]

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The Secret to Retaining Top Talent

 Workers are quitting their jobs at the highest rate in 20 years, with nearly 65% of employees looking for a new job. Morale is at an all-time low, employees are burned out. Leaders right now are all talking about what is being called The Great Resignation. Employees and future leaders are looking to leave, […]

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