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Stop Saying Yes– Here’s How

Have you ever said “yes” and found yourself on a conference call, in a meeting or at a dinner party, thinking: “What the heck am I doing here?” It happens to all of us. You agree to something and then you regret the time and energy you spent on it because of one word— yes. […]

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Everyday Habits to Boost Your Energy

Do you know the feeling when you are in the middle of important work and suddenly the “spinning wheel” (or more accurately- the “circle of death”) shows up uninvited? That dreaded circle spins on your computer and you can’t get your computer to do anything. You hit a few buttons – any button- and nothing […]

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Top 100 Takeaways From “Game Changers with Molly Fletcher”

I launched my podcast, Game Changers with Molly Fletcher, in 2017 to take you behind the scenes with game changers from every walk of life. Now it’s something I look forward to and can’t wait to share with you. In celebration of passing the 100 episodes milestone, I thought it would be fun to share my 100 […]

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Do These 3 Things to be a Better Virtual Negotiator

How many of you are having to negotiate or re-negotiate right now, but are posed with different challenges than just the negotiation, in light of our virtual world? Many of you are finding yourselves having to negotiate virtually right now.  In our Game Changer Negotiation Training™ we encourage people to to negotiate in person, but since […]

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How Does A Leader Emerge?

A leader’s job is to rally a group or team to achieve a unified goal. But before that happens, a leader must emerge. If you want to emerge as a leader, do these three things: Be curious. Curiosity is key to learning and growth. When curiosity is at the forefront of your thinking, you ask […]

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7 Practical Tips to Work (And Lead) Remotely

If you are like many people, you may not be reading this week’s blog from your office. As COVID-19 spreads, most employers are encouraging their people to work from home for an indefinite period of time. That shift can be overwhelming and even frustrating. You are probably wondering how to work and communicate effectively. As […]

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Here’s Every Book Ever Recommended on My Podcast 2.0

Early last year, we curated all of the books ever recommended on my podcast. It got a tremendous response, so now it’s time to share the updated list! If ‘read more’ is one of your goals this year or you are looking for a book on a particular topic, this list is a great resource. They are […]

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The Top 10 Episodes of “Game Changers” for 2019

2019 has been an awesome year for our Game Changers podcast. Guests included leadership experts, championship coaches and athletes, bestselling authors and more. Which was your favorite episode? Relive and discover the conversations you loved most. Here are the 10 most downloaded episodes from this year: Dabo Swinney on Leading from the Heart – For the second year in a […]

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13 Books to Help You Grow as a Leader

I love this quote by Margaret Fuller: “Today a reader. Tomorrow a leader.” One of the common habits I’ve observed in the best leaders is that they are avid readers. Even leaders at the top of their game are curious about new perspectives and possibilities, and reading is a way to satisfy that hunger for […]

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