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Tag: intentional

5 Ways to Make Room for Inspiration

Recently I read an article in Harvard Business Review about inspiration and it piqued my interest. Part of my personal mission statement – To connect, inspire and lead with creative courage and optimism – even includes a mention of my desire to inspire. But I, like many people today, get caught up in the busyness […]

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Are You Doing What’s Important?

Discipline is doing what you want most; not necessarily what you want right now. When we set goals, whether short- or long-term, we’re clear on what we want to achieve. We have goals, we create a plan, and it’s clear. Then… life happens, the phone rings, emails roll in by the minute, clients need us, […]

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What If Today Were Your Last Day?

The yoga studio I belong to in Atlanta ends every class with a short quote or reading. The other day the teacher wrapped the class with a this: “Imagine if you were the only person who knew that today was your last day on earth. How would it change the way you behave and interact […]

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