Picture this, I’m in the prime of my career as a sports agent, just back from maternity leave after our first daughter was born, and within a few...
Change is constant. Today change comes at us as consistently as the cab lines in Vegas and is as unpredictable as your cards at the blackjack table. Most...
At this time of year, there are so many transitions— the end of summer, the beginning of school, and for many people settling into new jobs or new...
Ready to change your life? Could it be as easy as implementing 4 simple journaling practices? Journaling as a Resilience Building Tool Resilience shrinks the gap between talent...
As a sports agent, one of the unwritten parts of my job was helping my clients eliminate distractions. Peak performers have learned this one thing: minimize distractions to...
We all have drainers in our life—the things that suck our energy and send us into a negative spiral. It can be a pesky annoyance or a big...
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