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Category: Resilience

Four Journaling Practices to Change Your Life

Ready to change your life? Could it be as easy as implementing 4 simple journaling practices? Journaling as a Resilience Building Tool Resilience shrinks the gap between talent and success. I saw it over and over again as a sports agent: top performers recover faster from adversity and find the hidden gifts in failure. But […]

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Get Curious Inside of Change

For the past two years, life has been chaotic. As the saying goes, the only thing constant is change, but the last 730 or so days have tested our limits. Navigating the constant barrage of change can be exhausting. And here’s the thing, very few people like change. It’s scary! But instead of running from […]

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How to Develop Resilience Inside of Change

Right now, change is constant, and uncertainty has become part of our new normal. Naturally, change can create fear and can be scary for people to have to wake up and navigate new challenges every day. As leaders, and as individuals inside of teams, here’s a couple of thoughts on the kinds of things I […]

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