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4 Types of People You Need In Your Life
August 17, 2016

Leading can be lonely, which is why it’s critical to surround yourself with people who make you better every day. No matter what your goals and aspirations, these...

What These 5 Olympians Can Teach Us About Performance Under Pressure
August 1, 2016

The Olympics are a pressure cooker unlike any other environment. Happening just once every four years, they are often a once-in-a-lifetime chance. A lifelong dream realized. A tenth...

Conquer Your Fear of Public Speaking With These 7 Tips
July 27, 2016

Snakes. Spiders. Heights. Death. Public Speaking. What do these things all have in common? They are among our most common fears. According to a 2012 study by the...

Read These 5 Blogs on Goal Setting To Get Back On Track
July 20, 2016

There’s nothing better than the feeling of achieving a goal. So why do we so often let distractions or adversity get in the way? Or lose our energy...

Activity vs. Accomplishment: 5 Questions to Make You More Productive
July 11, 2016

You know the person who is so busy all the time. There’s practically no way to get on their schedule. This person is constantly in a rush. Always...

Reinventing Yourself: How and Why to Change Paths
June 27, 2016

When I worked as a sports agent, I began hearing comments from people outside my profession that went like this: Wow, I bet working in sports is fun....

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