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Championship Contenders vs. Pretenders

November 12, 2012
3 min read

College basketball season has officially tipped off and teams across the country once again have their eyes set on the ultimate goal: a national championship.  Experts are weighing in and making their predictions, but who will end up with the national title crown and why?

Last year was the first time since 2001, that the preseason #1 ranked team won the national championship.  So outside of pure talent, what are the differentiating factors?

A few core ingredients to look for in championship contenders:

  • Consistent communication: This means on and off the court.  Communication is key to preparation and execution.  It ensures players are on the same page, whether they are running a pick and roll or planning a team outing.  Communication lays the groundwork for accountability and helps establish clear roles.  Issues that might fester in another locker room are non-issues among those teams who value open lines of communication.  The same holds true with business teams.  In fact, in business today as information happens as quickly as a fast break, communication is a key ingredient to executing for success.
  • Commitment to the process: Many teams walk into the locker room with the same collective goal: to win a national championship.  But those who are successful understand the process and wrap themselves up in the process, not the final destination.  They understand the work they put in, they trust in their coach and their teammates and they are clear on the formula to deliver results. In legendary coach John Wooden’s book, one of his player recalls, “He believe that winning is a result of the process and he was a master of the process…He built teams that knew how to execute.”  The process is what fuels successful execution. Be clear on your process to win, both at a micro and macro level.
  • No excuses mentality: Championship caliber teams don’t make excuses and they view adversity as a challenge rather than a setback.  Excuses often start flying when adversity hits.  The best teams understand that adversity is a time to evaluate, learn and grow.  An average team makes excuses which turn in to deep-rooted distractions.  Why is there successful execution in emergency rooms? There is no time for excuses, just execution.  Eliminate tolerance for excuses and you will enhance your team’s ability to win.

Your Game Changer Takeaway

Establish consistent communication, commitment to the process and a no excuses mentality, and a better business is in store for you, your people and your customers.

Molly Fletcher helps inspire and equip game changers to dream, live and grow fearlessly. A keynote speaker and author, Molly draws on her decades of experiences working with elite athletes and coaches as a sports agent, and applies them to the business world. Sign up here to receive our monthly newsletter.

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