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Read These 5 Blogs on Goal Setting To Get Back On Track

July 20, 2016
2 min read

Read These 5 Blogs on Goal Setting To Get Back On TrackThere’s nothing better than the feeling of achieving a goal. So why do we so often let distractions or adversity get in the way? Or lose our energy and motivation and then declare our goal unattainable?

If you have a goal in mind and are struggling to find the strength needed to achieve it, read these 5 blogs. They will help you reconnect with your purpose and refocus on the goal ahead.

1. Erase These 7 Toxic Words With a Growth Mindset: Success and growth depends on relationships, including your relationship to your own beliefs and talents. Achieving your goals, begins with cultivating a growth mindset.

2. Should Your Goals Come From Your Soul? Get real with what you want out of life. Way too many people think a goal should be something of status to others. But what happens if you sacrifice to achieve and external goal and you don’t feel all that you expected?

3. How To Put Your Soul Into Your Goals: Action without meaning is practically a waste of time– we are wired to do more than check off accomplishments. Discover how to create holistic goals that align with your deepest values.

4. Where Are You Stuck? Don’t wait until January 1 of a new year to commit to a goal. The best time is when you identify the need, and how do you identify the need? Start by asking the question: Where am I stuck?

5. Skip Other Goal Setting Tips and Do This One: As you are goal setting, harness your brainpower by giving your mind a vivid story that stars you. Rehearsing your success through visualization will help you shed distractions and execute in real life.

Goal setting is a deeply personal and every individual takes a different approach. Next time you are feeling stuck, pause to reflect on the goal you are chasing and don’t be afraid to hit the “refresh” button when needed.

Molly Fletcher helps inspire and equip game changers to dream, live and grow fearlessly. A keynote speaker and author, Molly draws on her decades of experiences working with elite athletes and coaches as a sports agent, and applies them to the business world. Her e-learning courses spark both personal growth for individuals and corporate development for organizations. Sign up here to receive our monthly newsletter.

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