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Moms: Give Yourself These 7 Permission Slips for Mother’s Day

May 2, 2016
3 min read

For all the moms out there: Do you ever feel like Mother’s Day is too short to unwind from stress, but long enough to judge yourself?

As your family celebrates you, those doubts and questions still exist. Let’s trade that thinking for a more productive question:

How can I give myself permission to be a little more gentle on myself?

So, moms (and dads!), feel free to use any of the following permission slips as needed and as often as necessary—not just on Mother’s Day!

1. Permission slip to stop trying to control the outcome.

To me/my family/boss:  Remember that big plan or project we had? I’m committing myself to doing my best but I am embracing the moment and possibilities without trying to control the outcome.

2. Permission slip for ‘me time.’

To me/my family/boss/client: I will not be able to make the client dinner, as I promised myself I would get my workout in today. I will be ___________, which is one of my favorite (and much needed) ways to decompress. 

3. Permission slip to skip the guilt.

To myself: Starting on (date/time), I will put aside all “shoulds.” I will banish thoughts of the unmet needs of others, knowing that I am only one person who can only do one thing at a time. No room to be weighed down by all the “shoulds”—and no apologies.

4. Permission slip to put on my oxygen mask first. 

To myself and the people who most depend on me: When life gets turbulent, I give myself permission to put on my oxygen mask. I have to take care of myself or I can’t help anyone who needs me.

5. Permission slip to ask for help.

To me/my significant other/support network:  As much as I like being the go-to person that gets stuff done, someone else needs to ______________ because I need to focus on what only I can do and hand off the other stuff more often. I’ll ask for help, knowing someone else will have a chance to step up.

6. Permission slip for crisis management.

To myself and others as needed: When I experience a test of my personal emergency broadcast system, I give myself permission to know this is only a test. One of many that I have confronted and solved to the best of my abilities. And that stress is good and increases capacity for the future.

7. Permission slip to say no.

To myself/friend/family/colleagues: As much as I enjoy _____, I have taken a inventory of my schedule and priorities. I’m giving myself permission to not  participate in ___________. To say yes to what is in line with my true purpose, I’m letting myself say no to this, and I trust you will understand.

Your Game Changer Takeaway 

To live more fearlessly and authentically, sometimes we just need new self-talk and ways to communicate what we want and need. What do you need and how can you give it to yourself? What permission slip will you give yourself today?

The Molly Fletcher Company inspires leaders, teams and organizations to kick-start growth. A keynote speaker and author, Molly draws on her decades of experiences working as a sports agent. Her company’s Game Changer Negotiation Training workshops teach business people the framework for successful negotiating, so that you can close more deals while building stronger relationships. Sign up here to receive our weekly newsletter and subscribe to the Game Changers with Molly Fletcher podcast on iTunes. 

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