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What’s your #fearlessliving story? Share it to enter our contest and you may win an all-expenses paid trip for two to Leadercast 2017.

A decade ago, the part of my “dream job” as a sports agent that I loved the most was taking a raw relationship with an athlete or coach, and building a deep connection. I loved the challenge of gaining deep trust that led to them signing with us and us supporting their peak performance. I had to pinch myself those times, for instance, when an athlete called me from the hospital when his wife had a baby, or when we celebrated a new contract together. I loved serving as a lifeline to their careers and families, and so many young people asked me for career advice that I wrote what I knew and published my first book.

The book led to a couple speaking gigs. In front of a crowd, I felt my energy rise to the same challenge to connect, only this time with an audience. The idea of reaching more people—to connect, inspire and lead with creative courage and optimism—bubbled up. My family agreed to support my reinvention, believing I could take what I loved the most about the agent space—helping people achieve their potential– and do it in a bigger way.  When I made the decision to shift, I had published two books and had spoken probably a half dozen times to corporations.  Even though the road ahead wasn’t crystal clear, all those years around pro athletes and coaches had taught me that great success comes from going all in. So I did!

Today my work is all about what I love most. Every week I meet new audiences seeking peak performance, with very limited time to build trust and authentic connection. Meeting this challenge creates fantastic energy that affirms my purpose.  I was scared when I made the jump. It was new and different but in my mind it was the same work with a different impact – connecting, supporting and inspiring peak performance. Fearlessness is about feeling the fear and doing it anyway.

My #fearlessliving story makes me so grateful for those small moments of connection that can create a big outcome for any and all of us!

Molly Fletcher helps inspire and equip game changers to dream, live and grow fearlessly. A keynote speaker and author, Molly draws on her decades of experiences working with elite athletes and coaches as a sports agent, and applies them to the business world. Her new book, Fearless At Work, is now available for pre-order. Sign up here to receive our monthly newsletter.

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