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7 Fresh Ways to Ask for What You Want

September 26, 2016
3 min read

7 Fresh Ways to Ask for What You Want We all find ourselves in situations daily where we have to ask for what we need and want. Maybe it’s needing a colleague’s help with a project, approaching a conversation with your boss, or even asking a small favor of a complete stranger.

What helps are fresh ways to ask so you will get what you need. Here are some of my favorites and why they work.  Remember, tone and timing matter too, so make your ask projecting humility, confidence and respect.

1. How great will it be when…?

Vivid imagery is a powerful way to help yourself and others achieve your goals. This phrase breathes life into the team’s mission with a lot of positive emotion.

2. Is it hard for you to…?

Curiosity-based teamwork and leadership grows through consistent pursuit of authentic conversations and observations. Everyone is different, and it’s important to ask questions to gain clarity on strengths and weaknesses. Use compassion with this phrase to help colleagues get unstuck.

3. I’m thinking you can make this happen….?

This wording is so effective for people who lack confidence or may even be experiencing the impostor syndrome. You are telegraphing faith in them  and affirmation that they are well-matched to what is requested.

4. You got juice to make this happen….

Not every ask needs to be a question. Mix it up. A cheerful statement like this that projects confidence in the person’s ability to deliver. Humor can speed up and solidify connections with others.

5. What if….

These two words aren’t just hypothetical. They signal creativity and boldness. These words are very motivational to creative thinkers who like to challenge the status quo.

6. You would be my hero if….

This is the essential call to action. For greatest effectiveness, keep it simple, specific and urgent.

7. Let’s do this…

Harness the power of the simple three-word message to convey that the entire team is behind (and dependent on) individual efforts.

Your Game Changer Takeaway

Fresh language helps keep the ask alive and vibrant. Don’t get stuck in a rut asking others for what you need and want. If you’ve got a phrase to share that works for you, let’s keep this conversation going on social media @mollyfletcher on Twitter!

Molly Fletcher helps inspire and equip game changers to dream, live and grow fearlessly. A keynote speaker and author, Molly draws on her decades of experiences working with elite athletes and coaches as a sports agent, and applies them to the business world. Her e-learning courses spark both personal growth for individuals and corporate development for organizationsSign up here to receive our monthly newsletter.

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