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3 Reasons to Implement E-Learning in Your Organization

April 26, 2013
3 min read

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Welcome to the Information Age, an era in which we have experienced an emphatic shift from traditional industry to digital industry. Since the advent of the Internet and personal computers, we now have more access to readily available information than ever before.

In this age of computers and technology, the landscape of education is undergoing a transformation. There have been noticeable shifts from traditional educational methods, towards online learning platforms. Various technological advancements have encouraged more companies to turn to E-learning platforms to enhance and enrich their employees.

Companies are quickly discovering the benefits to utilizing various online learning platforms and E-learning tools. Statistics show that the E-learning market in 2013 is a $56.2 Billion business and is likely to double in size before 2015. In addition, 77% of U.S. corporations report using online learning to enhance their employees training and educational programs. These statistics reflect the shifts toward digital training that the corporate education industry is currently undergoing.

Below are the 3 key reasons for corporations to embrace the transformation from traditional to digital education.

1. Low Cost to Implement

Online learning tools are relatively inexpensive when compared to traditional methods of training and educating employees. E-learning tools are practical and easily applicable since they can be accessed remotely, and by high numbers of people at the same time. E-learning programs can be easy to set up, and are designed to be user friendly. Once the platform is set up, employees can log in and begin to access the courses and information. E-learning programs also eliminate the need for expensive and cumbersome textbooks, and other traditional education materials. The added benefit of online learning platforms is that everything a company needs to implement the learning process will be included.

2. Increase Successful Results

E-learning increases successful organizational results through enhanced employee education and training. Online learning is proven to increase knowledge retention by 25-60%. The higher retention rate of education by employees ensures better results in the overall production of the organization. In addition, E-learning classes are generally 25-60% shorter in duration than traditional classes. This means that organizations can teach employees more information in a shorter amount of time, while ensuring that their employees are retaining more information at the same time. Studies show that 72% of companies believed that the use of learning technologies such as E-learning and mobile learning helped their business adapt more quickly to change. Companies are increasingly moving towards a mix of traditional learning and E-learning, to maximize education results for employees.

3. Increase Employee Engagement

Employee engagement is an increasingly difficult task. Studies have shown that organizations with actively engaged workforces have 2.6 times the earnings per share growth rate compared to their industry counterparts. This is important because companies that utilize online learning technology achieve an 18% boost in employee engagement. Companies that implement online learning programs within the organization are able to increase engagement and thus increase productivity. Actively engaged employees are happier and help your company produce better results. Utilizing online learning to increase job satisfaction and engagement among your employees helps improve the overall health of your organization.

Please click here to learn more about using our courses as a possible E-learning tool for your organization.

Molly Fletcher helps inspire and equip game changers to dream, live and grow fearlessly. A keynote speaker and author, Molly draws on her decades of experiences working with elite athletes and coaches as a sports agent, and applies them to the business world. Sign up here to receive our monthly newsletter.

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