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Suzy Welch Explains the 10-10-10 Rule for Making Tough Decisions

June 7, 2018
1 min read

Have difficulty making tough decisions? Maybe Suzy Welch’s 10-10-10 rule could help. She explained how the 10-10-10 filter works and the inspirational (and comical) story behind it when she was a guest on my podcast. In this 60 second clip, she breaks down what 10-10-10 stands for and how it can impact your life immediately:

  • 10 minutes: The first 10 is to determine how the consequences will shape your life for the immediate future
  • 10 months: The second 10 is to determine how the consequences will shape your life for the foreseeable future
  • 10 years: The third 10 is to determine how the consequences will shape your life in the long term

If you want to hear more, listen to the full episode.

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