What leader doesn’t want to be more trusted and more effective? To get there, you must find your blind spots so you can resolve them intentionally to become a stronger leader. It takes openness, vulnerability and fearlessness to have this kind of curiosity.
Many leaders are afraid to ask tough questions, but trust me, your leadership and team will benefit. That’s why I strongly believe that every leader should ask themselves these 10 questions and carefully listen to the answers.
1. Is there a critical conversation I have been avoiding that I need to make happen this week? Remember the best way to make a problem get worse is to not address it.
2. Am I taking over meetings, preventing my team members from contributing and growing? A great leader is a great supporter.
3. Did I send one email to someone who wouldn’t expect it from me, thanking them for being on our team with specific feedback on their gifts? Gratitude is a great fuel source for them and you.
4. Is my team coming to me for feedback? When communication breaks down, it’s on you to take action.
5. Do I tell the truth even when stressed? Honesty is a cornerstone of leadership.
6. Do my actions line up with my words? Integrity is easily compromised, and authenticity is the foundation of trust.
7. Do I have a healthy balance between being rational and being emotional? Remember the power of a wise mind.
8. Have I stepped outside of my office to do something, see something, read something or listen to something that has nothing to do with your work? Perspective is needed as a leader.
9. Am I making statements when I could be asking questions? Curiosity-based leadership is the point of this exercise.
10. Have I called a loved one to tell them that I love them, thank them for their support or simply check in? Remember that your actions to those who matter most in your life make you a leader worth following too.
Your Game Changer Takeaway
Try printing this list, or the one question that resonates the most, to keep within view. Find a trusted source who will give you authentic feedback. The discomfort you may feel temporarily will be worth the long-term gain.
The Molly Fletcher Company inspires leaders, teams, and organizations to kick-start growth. A keynote speaker and author, Molly draws on her decades of experiences working as a sports agent. The Energized Leader Training helps you and your team align your energy with the important and avoid costly burnout. Game Changer Negotiation Training workshops teach business people the framework for successful negotiating so that you can close more deals while building stronger relationships. Her Leadership Huddles are a monthly group coaching community to guide you towards your full potential. Sign up here to receive our weekly newsletter and subscribe to the Game Changers with Molly Fletcher podcast on iTunes.