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Category: Uncategorized

The Gift that’s not in a Box

With the holidays just around the corner, the shopping malls are jammed and online shopping is just a click away. It’s easy to find ourselves with our list of people we need to get gifts for… and a desire to check the box. I know I’ve been guilty of this approach. But pause with me […]

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Intentional Gratitude: It’s Not Just for Thanksgiving

With Thanksgiving coming up later this week, I’ve been reflecting on the power of gratitude. Thankfulness is such a great way to pivot toward what matters. We think about it a lot during this time of year, but I’d like to encourage all of us to make intentional gratitude part of every single day. In addition to […]

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Why I Hate the Term ‘Empty Nester’

At this time of year, there are so many transitions— the end of summer, the beginning of school, and for many people settling into new jobs or new roles still due to COVID’s aftermath. My family just had a huge transition: my husband and I dropped off our youngest twin girls at college. We just […]

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12 Pieces of Advice from Game Changing Women on My Podcast

March is Women’s History Month, but we’re here to honor game changing women EVERY day! One of the best parts about hosting my podcast, Game Changers with Molly Fletcher, is that I’ve had the opportunity to sit down with so many women from all walks of life that are making an incredible impact in the […]

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How I Lived Rent-Free for 9 Years

As a sports agent, I negotiated a lot of big deals. But one of my most memorable wasn’t a multi-million dollar contract for a high-profile athlete. It was the time I struck a deal with a local apartment complex to live rent-free. After graduating from Michigan State University, I moved to Atlanta to pursue a […]

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Here’s Every Book Ever Recommended on My Podcast — Updated!

One of my most popular blogs to date is “Every Book Ever Recommended on My Podcast,” and we have updated the blog to refresh the list. The books are organized by seven topics: Leadership; Personal and Professional Development; Sales & Marketing; Teams & Culture; Psychology & Spirituality; Biographies, Memoirs & Non-Fiction; and Fiction & Novels. […]

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Why Employee Experience Should be a Top Concern for Leaders

Looking forward into 2022, many are predicting that employee experience should be a top concern for leaders. Why? Because like companies, employees have weathered two tumultuous years that have led to new priorities, and employees hold more power than ever before. As companies continue to navigate The Great Resignation, it’s important that they shift their […]

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My Top Books of 2021

It’s that time of year where I love to share the books that are on my bedside table! These are books that I’ve read this year, am currently reading, or hope to read over the holidays. Top Books of 2021:   Business Adventures: Twelve Classic Tales from the World of Wall Street by John Brooks. […]

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Enneagram as a Leadership Tool

As 2021 comes to a close, many of us are reflecting on the past year and exploring how we can better ourselves in the year ahead. Maybe you want to be a better leader, a better teammate, a better parent, or a better friend. Whatever it is, there’s a tool that can help you with your transformation: the Enneagram.  What is Enneagram? I […]

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Feeling Stuck? Try this Simple Mindset Shift

Are you feeling stuck? Rather than looking for solutions outside of yourself, maybe it’s time to look within. The best place to start is by auditing your thoughts and self-talk. Audit the stories you tell yourself. As human beings, we have automatic thoughts filling up our brains every day. Oftentimes, these thoughts are not serving […]

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