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Intentional Gratitude: It’s Not Just for Thanksgiving

November 16, 2022
3 min read

happy-thanksgiving-banner-1With Thanksgiving coming up later this week, I’ve been reflecting on the power of gratitude. Thankfulness is such a great way to pivot toward what matters. We think about it a lot during this time of year, but I’d like to encourage all of us to make intentional gratitude part of every single day.

In addition to a bucket list of things to do or places to go one day, let’s also make a list of people we want to show gratitude toward all year.  Who are the people in your life that you want to appreciate more consistently?

Do this, and you’ll find you are happier, more fulfilled and connected to the things and people that matter most in your life. There are so many benefits. Sounds good right?

It’s simple: Stop a few times a day, scan what you are experiencing internally and outside yourself, and connect to what you are grateful for. Through a daily practice of gratitude, here are some ways we benefit

1. Closer ties to people who are most important to us. By telling them specifically that we are thankful for them and what they mean to us, they know that their existence matters regardless of what they do for us or vice versa. Gratitude affirms.

2. Greater warmth with people whom we come across in our daily lives. “Try leaving a trail of little sparks of gratitude on your daily trips,” Dale Carnegie said. “You will be surprised how they will set small flames of friendship that will be rose beacons (a torch of honor) on your next visit.” Gratitude inspires.

3. More awareness in general. Keep a gratitude journal and you will begin to seek positives as part of your daily life. Gratitude nurtures mindfulness.

4. More opportunities to practice empathy. Thankfulness gets you out of the me-first attitude. Without that big obstacle, you have the opportunity to see possible next steps of making a difference to others. On my radar: a close friend who was just diagnosed with cancer, a neighbor in the same boat, and a new family who just moved in nearby. Gratitude leads to meaningful service.

5. A mirror on what matters to you. Gratitude reveals our values through how we choose what to be thankful for. These values speak to your purpose. Gratitude grounds us.

Your Game Changer Takeaway

Thanksgiving is a great time to start a new tradition, so why not make a daily habit of intentional gratitude that will spark immediate positive change in your world today?

The Molly Fletcher Company inspires leaders, teams and organizations to up their game. A keynote speaker and author, Molly draws on her decades of experiences working as a sports agent. Her company offers training and coaching programs to help leaders unleash their potential, including: Game Changer Negotiation Training, which teaches business people a framework for successful negotiating; The Energized Leader training, which teaches people how to manage their energy to achieve focus and freedom; and a monthly coaching program, Game Changer Leadership Huddles, to help members recharge their purpose and mindset. Sign up to receive our newsletter, subscribe to the Game Changers with Molly Fletcher podcast, and watch her TED Talk on The Secrets to a Champion Mindset.

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